Cross Options

Cross Options, founded in 1979 was among the first market making companies trading in open outcry in the early days of the then very young, since 1978 European Options Exchange (EOE), located at the former exchange building “Beurs van Berlage” in Amsterdam. The EOE merged with the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, later with the Brussels and Paris exchanges to form Euronext. Euronext grew adding LIFFE, the London derivatives exchange and the Lisbon exchanges and merged with NYSE in 2007.

Cross Options through these additions was able to extend the trading facilities for markets other than only the Amsterdam derivatives market. Apart from NYSE Euronext, Cross Options also trades on the German Eurex market.

Since the transition from floor based open outcry to screen based trading, Cross Options has invested in advanced technical infrastructures to accommodate the traders. With software that is specially designed and in constant development to meet ever changing market conditions Cross Options is well positioned to meet the challenges of the future. Cross Options also relies on the knowledge, motivation and experience of her traders.

Cross Options, through Group Companies is also involved in Pharmaceutical Research and Development and is Partner/Participant in Financial, Pharma and other activities.

Cross Options is looking for motivated, creative, highly qualified people to reinforce the trading team. We are interested in junior traders, defined as young intelligent dynamic university graduates with interest in the financial markets and two years work experience at the most. Click here for our career opportunities,

Cross Options Group
Herengracht 124
1015 BT Amsterdam

T: +31 20 520 5820